Corte Internacional de Justicia no es Imparcial


Son pertinentes inhabilitación y/o multa para quienes hagan campaña por abstención. Es válido efectuar campaña para votar sí o no a cualquiera de las preguntas. Es inaceptable que venezolanos obedezcamos instrucciones del régimen de Guyana para no participar en el referéndum. nvor 210 

Tamara Suju, Viera Blanco y Tovar Arroyo han atiborrado a Corte Penal Internacional y a Corte Internacional de Justicia, con demandas superfluas en inglés contra Venezuela. Se han requerido miles de documentos de respuesta en español. Son los mejores aliados de la gozosa Guyana. nvor 211

According to two centuries old documentation, British Guiana borders recognized by Holland & Spain, were Esequibo and Corentyne rivers. Guyana has a history of occupying land belonging to Venezuela and Suriname. Using English during disputes at courts is unfair to the other side. nvor212

Guyana is not in the Caribbean. It shares the Atlantic Ocean with southern shores of Trinidad and Tobago and easternmost shores of Venezuela. The latter as an observer boasts excellent relationship with such Caricom countries as Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis, and Antigua & Barbuda. nvor 213

Caricom countries speak multiple languages beyond English, and such dialects as Patois and Creole. Some are included in the Commonwealth, others are more focused in the diversity of the Americas. Venezuela's foreign policy of inclusion benefits multiple countries in Caricom. nvor 214

Is Guyana willing to take territory from neighbors just because Guyanese speak English and don't have to translate their legal cases? Venezuela has waited 125 years to get our Esequibo back. We do not trust biased International Court of Justice. We need other means for resolution. nvor 215