Gnox code at Metamask activates through Pancakeswap
Gnox holders planning to sell are advised to quickly remove all other assets remaining on Metamask and transfer them to another wallet. By approving gnox token for trade at pancakeswap router, mysterious coding might start functioning as malware by design.
By approving gnox token for trade on pancakeswap router, the holder is supposed to concede absolute agreement and faith with code, built in smart contract and held in Metamask. Perhaps changes presented for Solidproof audit were minor while major threats remain.
Pancakeswap denial of responsibility for mishandling gnox token becomes suspicious. They accept any new token that provides liquidity, while at they dismiss queries from whoever trades such token: they assume it already holds malicious code.
Gnox and Pancakeswap share identical fearful reactions towards fee-paying customers who ask abundant questions. Immediate warnings on community bannings, premature closing of unsolved tickets guarantees red flag. They seem eager to hide something big.
Pancakeswap website shows cartoon avatars for chefs rather than executive officers. It now seems that the hassle for requesting KYC (know your customer) is just for Gnox. Which is the team responsible for escalating cases? Where are they physically located?
Having no choice of trading gnox in any place other than pancakeswap, is something that has been on their plan from day one. Swapping custom token at an unsupportive platform is central to current investigation from Soken, revoking kyc and disclaiming audit from June.
Rubén Rivero
Caracas, Venezuela